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Tyler Lambuth, (a.k.a. yoga DJ Bhakti Styler) is putting one foot in front of the other, messing up, beginning again, and always learning each step of the way. If we don’t take a steps forward, we will always be in the same place. This big beautiful messy wonderful life is something cherish.  Tyler has been blessed to have a committed teacher and guru, Steph Snyder (Love Story Yoga, SF-CA) remind him that all future suffering is avoidable, and through the asana practice we are simply reminded to breath, be kind, kick ass, and repeat! Yoga is transformative; it is a dance filled prayer with the divine- YOU!! Through rigorous work, these classes will allow you to connect with spirit, open your heart and rejuvenate your soul in the form of smiles and sweat.   The most important work awaits your departure; to love a little bit more!



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